How to Use a Reusable K-cup: A Detailed Manual for Better, Sustainable Keurig Brews

How to Use a Reusable K-cup: A Detailed Manual for Better, Sustainable Keurig Brews

Congrats on your smart decision to start using reusable K-Cups! You were probably skeptical at first since they are not as convenient as disposable pods, but trust me, the learning curve is easy enough to get through. The minor inconvenience of using them is a small price to pay for a more affordable, eco-friendly way…

9 Eco-Friendly Coffee Makers (That Still Make Great Coffee)

9 Eco-Friendly Coffee Makers (That Still Make Great Coffee)

Being as environmentally conscious as I am, I find it important that we acknowledge how certain practices involving coffee can be harmful to the environment. Fortunately, aside from the efforts of coffee producers to make the industry more sustainable, there are also ways that we can take part in making coffee safer for our planet…

What is Shade-Grown Coffee? A Guide to Its Benefits, Taste, & Finding the Right One

What is Shade-Grown Coffee? A Guide to Its Benefits, Taste, & Finding the Right One

Have you found yourself shopping for coffee beans and a “Bird Friendly” seal on the packaging caught your curiosity? No, it doesn’t mean you can feed them to birds 🙂 It only certifies that the coffee you’re buying is shade-grown instead of being sun-grown. If this prompts you to ask even more questions, worry not….

What is Rainforest Alliance Coffee and is it worth it?

What is Rainforest Alliance Coffee and is it worth it?

Coffee is an indispensable beverage and millions of people drink it every single day. Yet, drinking delicious coffee does not end there. Like all consumer products, coffee cultivation, and processing take a toll on our planet. So when you’re choosing which coffee to drink, it’s important to choose one that does the least amount of…

What is Direct Trade Coffee and Where Can You Find It?

What is Direct Trade Coffee and Where Can You Find It?

Imagine the source of your cup of coffee. It travels all the way from the tropics to your favorite cup in sufficient quantities to keep you full of caffeine…all the time, if you want. That’s pretty amazing in itself, but Direct Coffee, which we’ll discuss in this article, is about making the trip from rainforest…

Will Reusable Coffee Pods Save the World?

Will Reusable Coffee Pods Save the World?

One of the environmental concerns that have caught the public’s attention is the piles upon piles of coffee pods ending up in landfills each year. It’s a major environmental issue as it contributes to the growing problem with plastic disposal. Yet, many coffee pod producers pledge to make things right by providing alternatives: both fully…

8 Fair Trade Coffee Brands that Support Social and Environmental Efforts

8 Fair Trade Coffee Brands that Support Social and Environmental Efforts

There are tons of brands of coffee products with the Fairtrade mark, but not everyone knows Fairtrade. How does Fair Trade work? What coffee brands support their environmental and humanitarian efforts? I’ve spent hours putting together a list of coffee brands that are Fair Trade-certified for us to make a reasonable purchase. What is Fair…